7 - 12 Symbol DS3478 Product Reference Guide
Hardware Handshaking (continued)
Scan a bar code to select one of the following hardware handshaking options:
None - Scan the bar code below if no hardware handshaking is desired.
Standard RTS/CTS - Scan the bar code below to select Standard RTS/CTS hardwar e handshaking.
RTS/CTS Option 1 - The digital scanner asserts RTS before transmitting and ignores the state of CTS. The
digital scanner de-asserts RTS when the transmission co mpletes.
RTS/CTS Option 2 - RTS is always high or low (user-programmed logic leve l). However, th e digital scanner
waits for CTS to be asserted before transmitting data. If CTS is not asserted within Host Serial Response
Time-out (default), the digital scanner issues an error indication and discards the data.
RTS/CTS Option 3 - The digital scanner asserts RTS before data transmission, regardless of the state of
CTS. The digit al scanner wait s u p to Host Serial Respon se Time-out (default) for CTS to be assert ed. If CTS
is not asserted during this time, the digital scanner issues an error indication and discards the data. The
digital scanner de-asserts RTS when transmission completes.
Standard RTS/CTS
RTS/CTS Option 1
RTS/CTS Option 2
RTS/CTS Option 3