Digital Scanning 2 - 5

LED Definitions

In addition to beepe r se quences, the dig ital scanner uses a two-co lor LED to indi ca te its status. Table 2-2 explains
LED sequences.
Table 2-2
LED Status Indications
LED Indication
Standard Use
Off No power is applied to the digital scanner, or the digital scanner is on and ready to
Green The digital scanner successfully decoded a bar code.
Red A data transmission error or digital scanner malfunction occurred.
Charging Use
Green Slow Flash The digital scanner is in the cradle and is charging in slow mode (occurs when the
host cable powers the cradle).
Green Fast Flash The digital scanner is in the cradle and is charging in rapid mode (occurs when an
external power supply powers the cradle).
Red fast flash
(two flashes per second) Overcharge condition. Contact Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support.
Red slow flash
(one flash per second) Battery voltage not increasing with charge. Replace the battery.
Red and green flash Temperature fault. Mov e the crad le to a loc ation wher e the temperature is 0
- 40
optimal charging temperature is 5
- 35