13 - 20 Symbol DS3478 Product Reference Guide

Bookland ISBN Format

If you enabled Bookla nd EA N using Enable/Disable Bookland EAN on page 13- 8, select one of the following
formats for Bookland data:
Bookland ISBN-10 - The scanner reports Bookland data starting with 978 in tra ditional 10-digit format with
the special Bookland check digit for backward-compatibility. Data starting with 979 is not considered
Bookland in this mode.
Bookland ISBN-13 - The scanner reports Bookland data (starting with either 978 or 979) as EAN-13 in
13-digit format to meet the 2007 ISBN-13 protocol.
*Bookland ISBN-10
Bookland ISBN-13
NOTE For Bookland EAN to function properly, first enable Bookland EAN using Enable/Disable Bookland EAN
on page 13-8, then select either Decode UPC/EAN Supple m entals, Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN
Supplementals, or Enable 978/979 Supplemental Mode in Decode UPC/EAN Supplementals on page