5 - 2 Symbol DS3478 Product Reference Guide

Scanning Sequence Examples

In most cases scanning one bar code sets the par ameter value. For example, to disable the d ecode aiming pattern,
scan the Disable Decode Aiming Pattern bar code listed under Decode Aiming Pattern on page 5-4. The digital
scanner issues a fast warble beep and the LED turns green, signifying a successful parameter entry.
Other parameters require scanning several bar codes. See these parameter description s fo r this pro ced u re .

Errors While Scanning

Unless otherwise specified, to correct an error during a scanning sequence, just re-scan the correct parameter.

Decoding Preferences Parameter Defaults

Table 5-1 lists defaults for digital scanner prefer ence parameters. To change any option, scan th e ap p ro pr i at e ba r
code(s) provided in Decoding Preferences on page 5-3.
NOTE See Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters for all user preference, host, symbology, and
miscellaneous default parameters.
Table 5-1
Decoding Preferences Default Table
Parameter Default Page
Decoding Options
Focus Mode Far Focus
Note: The default value for DS3478-DP
(DPM) digital scanners is Near Focus.
Decoding Illumination Enable
Decode Aiming Pattern Enable
DPM Scanning Enable