Signal Descriptions


MOTOROLA DSP56012 User’s Manual 2-5


Table 2-2 Power Inputs

Power Name Description
VCCP PLL Power—VCCP is VCC dedicated for Phase Lock Loop (PLL) use. The voltage
should be well-regulated and the input should be provided with an extremely
low impedance path to the VCC power rail. VCCP should be bypassed to GNDP
by a 0.1 µF capacitor located as close as possible to the chip package.
VCCQ Quiet Power—VCCQ is an isolated power for the internal processing logic. This
input must be tied externally to all other chip power inputs. The user must
provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.
VCCA A Power—VCCA is an isolated power for sections of the internal chip logic. This
input must be tied externally to all other chip power inputs. The user must
provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.
VCCD D Power—VCCD is an isolated power for sections of the internal chip logic. This
input must be tied externally to all other chip power inputs. The user must
provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.
VCCH Host Power—VCCH is an isolated power for the HI I/O drivers. This input must
be tied externally to all other chip power inputs. The user must provide adequate
external decoupling capacitors.
VCCS Serial Host Power—VCCS is an isolated power for the SHI I/O drivers. This
input must be tied externally to all other chip power inputs. The user must
provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.