4 - 24 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide

Pairing Bar Code Format

When the scanner is configured as an SPP Master, you must create a pairing bar code for the remote Bluetooth
device to which the scanner can connect. You must know the Bluetooth address of the remote device. Pairing bar
codes are Code 128 bar codes and are formatted as follows:
<Fnc 3>Bxxxxxxxxxxxx
B (or LNKB) is the prefix
xxxxxxxxxxxx represents the 12-character Bluetooth address.

Pairing Bar Code Example

If the remote device to which the scanner can connect has a Bluetooth address of 11:22:33:44:55:66, then the
pairing bar code is:

Connection Maintenance Interval

When a scanner disconnects from a cradle due to a Link Supervision Timeout, the scann er imm e dia te ly attem pts
to reconnect to the cradle for 30 seconds. If the auto-reconnect process fails, it can be restarted by pulling the
scanner trigger.
To guarantee that a disconnected scanner can reconnect when it comes back in range, the cradle reserves the
connection for that scanner for a period of time defined by the Connection Maintenance Interval. If the cradle is
supporting the maximum three scanners and one scanner disconnects, a fourth scanner cannot pair to the cradle
during this interval. To connect another scanner, either wait until the connection maintenance interval expires then
scan the PAIR bar code on the cradle with the new scanner; or scan Lock Override (page 4-22) with the new
scanner then scan the PAIR bar code on the cradle.
Connection Ma in te nance Interval opt ion s ar e:
15 minutes
30 minutes
One hour
Two hour s
Four hours
Eight hours
Paring Bar Code Content:
‘B’ or ‘LNKB’ + Bluetooth Address B112233445566
NOTE The Connection Maintenance Interval only applies in locked pairing mode (see page 4-22).
NOTE When the cradle supports the maximum three scanners, it stores the remote pairing address of each
scanner in memory regardless of the scanner condition (e.g., discharged battery). When you want to
change the scanners paired to the cradle, unpair each scanner currently connected to the cradle by
scanning the Unpairing bar code prior and reconnect each appropriate scanner by scanning the PAIR bar
code on the cradle.