5 - 4 Symbol LS3578 Product Reference Guide
User Preferences
Default Parameters
The scanner can be rese t to two types of defaults: factory defaults or custom defaults. Scan the appropriate bar
code below to reset the scanner to its default settings and/or set the scanner’s current settings as the custom
Restore Defaults - Scan this bar code to reset all default parameters as follows:
•If you configured custom default values (see Write to Custom Defaults), this sets the custom default
values for all parameters.
•If you did not configure custom default values, this sets the factory default values for all parameters. (For
factory default values, see Table A-1 on page A-1.)
Set Factory Defaults - Scan this bar code to eliminate all custom default values and set the scanner to
factory default values. (For factory default values, see Table A-1 on page A-1.)
Write to Custom Defaults - This bar code configures custom default parameters that set unique default
values for all parameters. After changing all parameters to the desired default values, scan the Write to
Custom Defaults bar code below to configure custom defaults.
*Restore Defaults
Set Factory Defaults
Write to Custom Defaults
NOTE Scanning Restore Defaults or Set Factory Defa ults unpairs the scanner with the cradle, and you must
rescan the pairing bar code.