Using the 162Bug Debugger
Floating Point Support
The floating point unit (FPU) of the MC68040 microprocessor chip
is supported in 162Bug. The MD, MM, RM, and RS commands have
been extended to allow display and modification of floating point
data in registers and in memory. Floating point instructions can be
assembled and disassembled with the DI option of the MD and MM
RM and RS for floating point registers accept the floating point
value in Double Precision Real Format or Scientific Notation.
Valid data types that can be used when modifying a floating point
data register or a floating point memory location:
When entering data in single or double precision, you must observe
the following rules:
1. The sign field is the first field and is a binary field.
2. The exponent field is the second field and is a hexadecimal
3. The mantissa field is the last field and is a hexadecimal field.
Integer Data Types
12 Byte
1234 Word
12345678 Longword
Floating Point Data Types
1_FF_7FFFFF Single Precision Real Format
1_7FF_FFFFFFFFFFFFF Double Precision Real Format
-3.12345678901234501_E+123 ScientiÞc Notation Format (decimal)