Configure and Environment Commands
Memory Search Delay
FFFFD20F Default address is $FFFFD20F. This is the
MVME162LX GCSR (global
control/status register) GPCSR0 as
accessed through VMEbus A16 space. It is
assumed that the MVME162LX GRPAD
(group address) and BDAD (board
address within group) switches are set to
ÔÔonÕÕ. This byte-wide value is initialized
to $FF by MVME162LX hardware after a
System or Power-on Reset. In a multi-162
environment, where the work pages of
several Bugs will reside in the memory of
the primary (Þrst) MVME162LX, the non-
primary CPUs will wait for the data at the
Memory Search Delay Address to be set
to $00, $01, or $02 (refer to the Memory
Requirements section in Chapter 3 for the
deÞnition of these values) before
attempting to locate their work page in
the memory of the primary CPU.
Memory Size Enable [Y/N] Y Memory will be sized for Self Test
Memory Size Starting
00000000 Default Starting Address is $0.
Memory Size Ending Address 00100000 Default Ending Address is the calculated
size of local memory.
Table A-1. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default