Configure and Environment Commands
ENV asks the following series of questions to set up the VMEbus interface for the
MVME162LX modules. You should have a working knowledge of the VMEchip2 as
given in the MVME162LX Embedded Controller Programmer's Reference Guide in order to
perform this conÞguration. Also included in this series are questions for setting ROM
and Flash access time.
The slave address decoders are used to allow another VMEbus master to access a local
resource of the MVME162LX. There are two slave address decoders set. They are set up
as follows:
Slave Enable #1 [Y/N] Y Yes, set up and enable Slave Address
Decoder #1.
Slave Starting Address #1 00000000 Base address of the local resource that is
accessible by the VMEbus. Default is the
base of local memory, $0.
Slave Ending Address #1 000FFFFF Ending address of the local resource that
is accessible by the VMEbus. Default is
the end of calculated memory.
Slave Address Translation
Address #1
00000000 Register that allows the VMEbus address
and the local address to be different. The
value in this register is the base address of
local resource that is associated with the
starting and ending address selection
from the previous questions. Default is 0.
Slave Address Translation
Select #1
00000000 Register that deÞnes which bits of the
address are signiÞcant. A logical one ÔÔ1ÕÕ
denotes signiÞcant address bits, a logical
zero ÔÔ0ÕÕ non-signiÞcant bits. Default is 0.
Slave Control #1 03FF DeÞnes the access restriction for the
address space deÞned with this slave
address decoder. Default is $03FF.
Slave Enable #2 [Y/N] N Do not set up and enable Slave Address
Decoder #2.
Slave Starting Address #2 00000000 Base address of the local resource that is
accessible by the VMEbus. Default is 0.
Table A-1. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default