Hardware Preparation
The following table lists the snoop operations represented by the
setting of J19.
EPROM/Flash Configuration Header (J20)The MVME162LX can be ordered with 2MB of Flash memory and
two EPROM sockets ready for the installation of the EPROMs,
which may be ordered separately. The EPROM locations are
standard JEDEC 32-pin DIP sockets. The EPROM sockets
accommodate three jumper-selectable densities (256 Kbit x 8; 512
Kbit x 8 Ñ the default configuration; 1 Mbit x 8) and permit
disabling of the Flash memory.
Header J20 provides eight jumper locations to configure the
EPROM sockets.
Table 2-2. J19 Snoop Control Encoding
3-4 Snoop Operation
X 0 Snoop disabled
X 1 Snoop enabled
X = donÕt care
Jumper installed = logic 0
Jumper removed = logic 1