Configure and Environment Commands
Configuring the IndustryPacksENV asks the following series of questions to set up IndustryPacks
(IPs) on MVME162LX VMEmodules.
The MVME162LX Embedded Controller Programmer's Reference Guide
describes the base addresses and the IP register settings. Refer to
that manual for information on setting base addresses and register
Note The IP2 ASIC on the MVME162LX supports up to four
IndustryPack (IP) interfaces, designated IP_a through
IP_d. The 700/800-series MVME162LX itself
accommodates two IPs: IP_a and IP_b. In the following
discussion, the segments applicable to IP_c and IP_d
are not used in the 700/800-series MVME162LX.
IP A Base Address = 00000000?
IP B Base Address = 00000000?
IP C Base Address = 00000000?
IP D Base Address = 00000000?
VMEC2 GCSR Group Base
D2 SpeciÞes the group address ($FFFFXX00)
in Short I/O for this board. Default = $D2.
VMEC2 GCSR Board Base
00 SpeciÞes the base address ($FFFFD2XX)
in Short I/O for this board. Default = $00.
VMEbus Global Time Out
01 Controls the VMEbus timeout when the
MVME162LX is operating as system
controller. Default $01 = 64 µs.
Local Bus Time Out Code 02 Controls the local bus timeout. Default
$02 = 256 µs.
VMEbus Access Time Out
02 Controls the local bus to VMEbus access
timeout. Default $02 = 32 ms.
Table A-1. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default