Debugger General Information
DRAM can be ECC or parity type. DRAM mezzanines are mapped
in contiguously starting at zero ($00000000), largest first. With two
mezzanines of the same size but different type, parity DRAM is
mapped to the selected base address and the ECC mezzanine will
follow. If both are ECC type, the bottom one is first.
The 162Bug requires 2KB of NVRAM for storage of board
configuration, communication, and booting parameters. This
storage area begins at $FFFC16F8 and ends at $FFFC1EF7 (for
details, refer to the maps in the MVME162LX Embedded Controller
ProgrammerÕs Reference Guide).
162Bug requires a minimum of 64KB of contiguous read/write
memory to operate. The ENV command controls where this block
of memory is located. Regardless of where the onboard RAM is
located, the first 64KB is used for 162Bug stack and static variable
space and the rest is reserved as user space. Whenever the
MVME162LX is reset, the target PC is initialized to the address
corresponding to the beginning of the user space, and the target
stack pointers are initialized to addresses within the user space,
with the target Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP) set to the top of the user
Type of Memory Present Default
Default SRAM
Base Address
A single DRAM mezzanine $00000000 $FFE00000
A single SRAM mezzanine N/A $00000000
A DRAM mezzanine stacked with an SRAM
$00000000 $E1000000
Two DRAM mezzanines stacked $00000000 $FFE00000