Debugger General Information
The following system calls are provided to allow user programs to
do disk I/O:
Refer to the Debugging Package for Motorola 68K CISC CPUs User's
Manual for information on using these and other system calls.
To perform a disk operation, 162Bug must eventually present a
particular disk controller module with a controller command
packet which has been especially prepared for that type of
controller module. (This is accomplished in the respective
controller driver module.) A command packet for one type of
controller module usually does not have the same format as a
command packet for a different type of module. The system call
facilities which do disk I/O accept a generalized (controller-
independent) packet format as an argument, and translate it into a
controller-specific packet, which is then sent to the specified device.
Refer to the system call descriptions in the Debugging Package for
Motorola 68K CISC CPUs User's Manual for details on the format and
construction of these standardized user packets.
The packets which a controller module expects to be given vary
from controller to controller. The disk driver module for the
particular hardware module (board) must take the standardized
packet given to a trap function and create a new packet which is
.DSKRD Disk read. System call to read blocks from a disk into
.DSKWR Disk write. System call to write blocks from memory onto
a disk.
.DSKCFIG Disk conÞgure. This function allows you to change the
conÞguration of the speciÞed device.
.DSKFMT Disk format. This function allows you to send a format
command to the speciÞed device.
.DSKCTRL Disk control. This function is used to implement any
special device control functions that cannot be
accommodated easily with any of the other disk