Debugger General Information

Network I/O Error Codes

162Bug returns an error code if an attempted network operation is
Multiprocessor Support
The MVME162LX dual-port RAM feature makes the shared RAM
available to remote processors as well as to the local processor. This
can be done by either of the following two methods. Either method
can be enabled/disabled by the ENV command as its Remote Start
Switch Method (refer to Appendix A).

Multiprocessor Control Register (MPCR) Method

A remote processor can initiate program execution in the local
MVME162LX dual-port RAM by issuing a remote GO command
using the Multiprocessor Control Register (MPCR). The MPCR,
located at shared RAM location of $800 offset from the base address
the debugger loads it at, contains one of two longwords used to
control communication between processors. The MPCR contents
are organized as follows:
The status codes stored in the MPCR are of two types:
Status returned (from the monitor)
Status set (by the bus master)
The status codes that may be returned from the monitor are:
$800 * N/A N/A N/A (MPCR)
ASCII 0 (HEX 00) - Wait. Initialization not yet complete.
ASCII E (HEX 45) - Code pointed to by the MPAR address is executing.
ASCII P (HEX 50) - Program Flash Memory. The MPAR is set to the
address of the Flash memory program control packet.
ASCII R (HEX 52) - Ready. The Þrmware monitor is watching for a change.