3Debugger General InformationOverview of M68000 Firmware
The firmware for the M68000-based (68K) series of board and
system level products has a common genealogy, deriving from the
debugger firmware currently used on all Motorola M68000-based
CPU modules. The M68000 firmware family provides a high degree
of functionality and user friendliness, and yet stresses portability
and ease of maintenance. The M68000 firmware implementation on
the 700/800-series MVME162LX MC68040-based Embedded
Controller is known as the MVME162Bug, or 162Bug. It includes
diagnostics for testing and configuring IndustryPack modules.
Description of 162Bug
The 162Bug package, MVME162Bug, is a powerful evaluation and
debugging tool for systems built around the MVME162LX CISC-
based microcomputers. Facilities are available for loading and
executing user programs under complete operator control for
system evaluation. 162Bug includes commands for display and
modification of memory, breakpoint and tracing capabilities, a
powerful assembler/disassembler useful for patching programs,
and a power-up self test which verifies the integrity of the system.
Various 162Bug routines that handle I/O, data conversion, and
string functions are available to user programs through the TRAP
#15 system calls.
162Bug consists of three parts:
❏A command-driven user-interactive software debugger,
described in Chapter 4 and hereinafter referred to as ÔÔthe
debuggerÕÕ or ÔÔ162BugÕÕ.