Chapter 14 – SIM Toolkit
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 140
SIM Toolkit Commands SIM Toolkit Set Facilities +STSF
Description: This command allows SIM Toolkit facilities to be activated, deactivated or configured.
Values: <mode>
0 Deactivates the SIM Toolkit functionalities.
1 Activates the SIM Toolkit functionalities.
2 Configures the SIM Toolkit functionalities.
(160060C01F – 5FFFFFFF7F) (hex format)
Default: 1F6BFFFF1F
1-255 Timeout for user responses (multiple of 10 seconds).
Default: 3
0 Automatic response is not activated
1 Automatic response is activated
Default: 1
Notes about Values:
The activation or deactivation of the SIM Toolkit functionalities requires the use of the +CFUN (Set
phone functionality) command to reset the product (this operation is not necessary if PIN is not
entered yet).
The <Config> parameter gives the coding of the TERMINAL PROFILE, precisely the list of SIM
Application Toolkit facilities that are supported by the customer application.
The <Timeout> parameter (multiple of 10 seconds) sets the maximum time the user has for reacting
(to select an item, to input a text, etc).
When the <Autoresponse> is activated, the +STIN indication for Play Tone (5), Refresh (7), Send SS
(8), Send SMS (9) or Send USSD (10) is automatically followed by the corresponding +STGI
Note about Bits: Some bits are related to the product only and not to the customer application. The product automatically
sets these bits to either 0 or 1 whatever the user enters with the +STSF command. Those values are
given in Appendix D.
Each facility is coded on 1 bit:
bit = 1: facility is supported by the customer application.
bit = 0: facility is not supported by the customer application.
Only the first five bytes of the TERMINAL PROFILE (Class 2) can be configured. The other are set to 0.
(See structure of TERMINAL PROFILE in APPENDIX E.)
Syntax: Command syntax: +STSF=<mode>[,<config>][,<Timeout>][,<AutoResponse>]
Command Possible responses
[,<Timeout>][,<AutoResponse>] OK
+CME ERROR: <err>
AT+STSF? +STSF: <Mode>,<Config>,<Timeout>,<Autoresponse>
AT+STSF=? +STSF: (0-2), (160060C01F - 5FFFFFFF7F),(1-255),(0-1)

SIM Toolkit Facilities Error Codes

+CME ERROR: 3 Operation not allowed.
This error is returned when a wrong parameter is entered.