Chapter 15 – GPRS Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 154
Quality of Service Profile Minimum Acceptable +CGQMIN
Description: This command allows the DTE to specify a minimum acceptable profile which is checked by the modem
against the negotiated profile returned in the Activate PDP Context Accept message.
The set command specifies a profile for the context identified by the local context identification
parameter, <cid>. Since this is the same parameter that is used in the +CGDCONT command, the
+CGQMIN command is effectively an extension to the +CGDCONT command. The QoS profile consists
of a number of parameters, each of which may be set to a separate value.
A special form of the set command, +CGQMIN= <cid> causes the minimum acceptable profile for
context number <cid> to become undefined. In this case no check is made against the negotiated
The read command returns the current settings1 for each defined context.
The test command returns values supported as a compound value. If the modem supports several PDP
types, the parameter value ranges for each PDP type are returned on a separate line.
Values: <cid>: a numeric parameter which specifies a particular PDP context .
<precedence>: a numeric parameter which specifies the precedence class.
<delay>: a numeric parameter which specifies the delay class.
<reliability>: a numeric parameter which specifies the reliability class.
<peak>: a numeric parameter which specifies the peak throughput class.
<mean>: a numeric parameter which specifies the mean throughput class.
Note: If a value is omitted for a particular class then this class is not checked.
Syntax: Command Syntax: AT+CGQMIN
Command Possible Response(s)
AT+CGQMIN=[<cid> [,<precedence >
[,<delay> [,<reliability.> [,<peak>
AT+CGQMIN? +CGQMIN: <cid>, <precedence >, <delay>, <reliability>,
<peak>, <mean>
[<CR><LF>+CGQMIN: <cid>, <precedence >, <delay>,
<reliability.>, <peak>, <mean>
AT+CGQMIN=? +CGQMIN: <PDP_type>, (list of supported
<precedence>s), (list of supported <delay>s), (list of
supported <reliability>s) , (list of supported <peak>s), (list
of supported <mean>s)
[<CR><LF>+CGQMIN: <PDP_type>, (list of supported
<precedence>s), (list of supported <delay>s), (list of
supported <reliability>s) , (list of supported <peak>s), (list
of supported <mean>s)
AT+CGQMIN=1,1,4,5,2,31 OK
AT+CGQMIN=? +CGQMIN: “IP”,(1-3),(1-4),(1-5),(1-9),(1-31)
+CGQMIN: “PPP”,(1-3),(1-4),(1-5),(1-9),(1-31)
AT+CGQMIN? +CGQMIN=? 1,1,4,5,2,14