Chapter 6 – Network Service Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 35
Values: <mode>
0 Use long alphanumeric format
1 Use short alphanumeric format
2 Reserved for future use
3 Erase NITZ PLMN list if <NumOper> = 0
4 Access to EEPROM to read or write the method to use for getting PLMN names
Read access if <NumOper> omitted
Write access if <NumOper>(=<PlmnOns>) provided.
<NumOper> is the operator in numeric format.
<AlphaOper> is the operator in long or short alphanumeric format (see Codes and Values for Operator
Names in the Appendix).
<lac> is the two byte Location Area Code to be used to get the PLMN name. If it is not entered, the
current lac will be used (0 if limited service). It is provided as an integer value.
<PlmnOns> is a bit-field with the following coding:
Bit 0 E-ONS
Bit 1 CPHS
Bit 2 SPN
Bit 3 NITZ
Bit 4 (FLASH) Bit 3 (NITZ) Bit 2 (SPN) Bit 1 (CPHS) Bit 0 (E-ONS)
Bit value is 1 for Activate and 0 for Deactivate the method. <PlmnOns> value should be provided
as a decimal value.
1 1 1 1 1
Example: <PlmnOns>=31 means that the four methods will be used for PLMN names (bit-field
value is 1111 or 0x1F).
Operation Flow for Field PlmnOns