Chapter 11 – Data Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 93
Description: This command applies to both outgoing and incoming data calls, but in a different way. For an outgoing
call, the two parameters (e.g., <speed> and <ce>) apply; whereas, for an incoming call, only the <ce>
parameter applies.
• For incoming calls, if <ce> is set to T, only and the network offers NT only or vice versa. Then the
call is released.
• The values 2 and 3 for the <ce> parameter are equivalent to the former values of 100 and 101.
Those values are managed for compatibility purposes, but they should no longer be used in the
new code (2 as former 100 and 3 as former 101).
Values: <speed>
0 (default) Autobauding (modem type: none)
1 300 bps (modem type: V.21)
2 1200 bps (modem type: V.22)
3 1200/75 bps (modem type: V.23)
4 2400 bps (modem type: V.22bis)
5 2400 bps (modem type: V.26ter)
6 4800 bps (modem type: V.32)
7 9600 bps (modem type: V.32)
8 Specific
12 9600 bps (modem type: V.34)
14(*) 1400 bps (modem type: V.34)
65 300 bps (modem type: V.110)
66 1200 bps (modem type: V.110)
68 2400 bps (modem type: V.110)
70 4800 bps (modem type: V.110)
71 9600 bps (modem type: V.110)
75(*) 14400 bps (modem type: V.110)
(*) This speed configures data and fax 14.4 kbps bearers.
<name> No data compression is provided and only asynchronous modem is supported (<name> = 0).
<ce> Connection element
0 Transparent only
1 (default) Non transparent only
2 Transparent preferred
3 Non transparent preferred
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CBST= <speed>, <name>, <ce>
Command Possible responses
Note: Test command +CBST: (0-8,65,66,68,70,71), (0),(0-3)
Note: Data 14,4 kbps not supported
Note: Test command +CBST: (0-
Note: Data 14,4 kbps not supported
Note: Ask for a bearer OK
Note: Bearer supported
Note: Current values
Note: Command valid
Note: Ask for a bearer +CME ERROR: 4
Note: Bearer not supported