Chapter 14 – SIM Toolkit
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 145
Values when CmdType=6 (Sel Item)
<DefaultItem> (1-255) Default Item Identifier
<Alpha Idenitifer menu> Alpha identifier of the main menu
<Idx> (1-255) Identifier items
<NbItems> (1-255) Number of items in the menu
<Alpha Idx Label> Alpha identifier label of items in ASCII format
0 No help information available
1 Help information available
<NextActionId> Contains a pro-active command identifier. (see the table in APPENDIX F)
Values when CmdType=7 (Refresh)
0 SlM initialization and full file change notification
1 File change notification
2 SIM initialization and file change notification
3 SIM initialization
4 SIM reset
Values when CmdType=8 (Send SS)
<TextInfo> Text information in ASCII format
Values when CmdType=9 (Send SMS)
<TextInfo> Text information in ASCII format
Values when CmdType=10 (Send USSD)
<TextInfo> Text information in ASCII format
Values when CmdType=11 (Setup Event List)
1 Reporting asked for an ‘Idle Screen’ event
2 Reporting asked for an ‘User Activity’ event
3 Reporting asked for ‘Idle Screen’ and ‘User Activity’ events
4 Cancellation of reporting event
Note: For the UCS2 format texts are displayed in Hexa ASCII format. Example: When the SIM sends a TextString
containing 0x00 0x41 the text displayed is “0041”.
Error Codes for the SIM Toolkit Get Information Command:
+ CME ERROR: 3 Operation not allowed. This error is returned when a wrong parameter is detected.
+CME ERROR: 4 Operation not supported. This error is returned when the user wants to get information
about a SIM Toolkit pro-active command (with SIM Toolkit functionality not activated.)
+CME ERROR: 518 SIM Toolkit indication not received. This error is returned when the SIM Toolkit indication
(+STIN) has not been received.
Initially, all facilities are activated. The PIN is not required and SIM Toolkit functionality is activated.
AT+CMEE=1 Enable the reporting of mobile equipment errors
AT+WIND=15 Set indications
+STSF: 1,”5FFFFFFF7F”,3 SIM Toolkit functionality activated with all facilities.
+STIN: 0 The main menu has been sent from the SIM.
+STIN: 0
AT+STGI=0 Get information about the main menu
+STGI: ”SIM TOOLKIT MAIN MENU” Main menu contains 3 items.
+STGI: 1,3,”BANK”,0
+STGI: 2,3,”QUIZ”,0
+STGI: 3,3,”WEATHER”,0