Chapter 11 – Data Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 98
Description: This command determines whether or not the use of V42bis is allowed for an incoming or outgoing data
call, if this feature is provided by the product. The intermediate result code represents current DCE-DCE
data compression type. The format of this result code is as follows:
+DR: NONE Data compression is not in use
+DR: V42B Rec. V.42 bis is in use in both directions
+DR: V42B RD Rec. V.42 bis is in use in receive direction only
+DR: V42B TD Rec. V.42 bis is in use in transmit direction only
The +DR intermediate result code, if enabled, is issued before the final result code, before the +ILRR
intermediate report and after the service report control +CR.
Values: <status> State of the V42bis
0 Disable. Default value.
1 Enable
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+DR=<status>
Command Possible responses
Note: Test command +DR: (0-1)
Note: Reporting enabled OK
Note: Command valid
Note: Current value +DR: 1
Note: Command valid
Description: If this feature is provided by the product, this command controls the preferred error correcting mode for
a data connection. It can only be used for transparent data transmission.
If the MNP2 feature is provided, the product authorizes MNP error correction mode.
Values: <n>
0 Default. Disables error correction mode
5 Selects MNP error correction mode
Note: +E prefixed commands of V.25 ter are not used.
Syntax: Command syntax: AT\N<n>
Command Possible responses
Note: no error correction OK
Note: Current value 0
Note: Command valid