Chapter 6 – Network Service Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 34
Syntax: Command Syntax: AT+WOLM=<mode>,<loc>,[,<NumOper>,<short name>,<long name>
Response Syntax for AT+WOLM=? OK
Response Syntax for AT+WOLM? (lists all the available PLMN)
Command Possible responses
AT+WOLM=1,1,20812,”WM”,”WM PLMN”
Note: Add a new PLMN at location 1 OK
Note: Read the PLMN at location 1 +WOLM: 1,20812,”WM”,”WM PLMN”
Note: Read the PLMN at location 11 +CME ERROR: 21
Note: Invalid index
AT+WOLM=1,1,20812,”WM1”,”WM1 PLMN”
Note: Modify and existing PLMN OK
Note: Test command OK
Note: Display current list +WOLM: 1,20812,”WM1”,”WM1 PLMN”
Note: List the created PLMN in flash
AT+WOLM=1,,20813,”PLMN2”,PLMN2 LONG”
Note: Add a new PLMN at available location OK
Note: Error returns if no more PLMN can be created
Note: Delete an entry at location 1 OK
Note: Delete an entry at location 11 +CME ERROR: 21
Note: Invalid index
Read Operator Name +WOPN
Description: This command returns the operator name in alphanumeric format when given the numeric format being
With the E-ONS (Enhanced Operator Name Service) feature, <lac> is an optional parameter to read
names from OPL/PNN sim files. If it is not entered, name will be given with current <lac>. Note that in
limited service, current <lac> is set to 0.
It also allows the erasing of NITZ PLMN names stored in the flash memory by using AT+WOPN=3,0”.
When the modem receives a NITZ (Network Information and Time Zone) message with Long Name or
Short Name information, an entry with registered PLMN and names in the message is created in the
flash memory. These names will then be used with +COPS, +COPN, +WOPN and +CPOL with the
priority order defined in 3GPP TS 22.101. The modem supports only network names with the GSM
default alphabet coding schemes.
The user can choose which of the following methods will be used for getting PLMN names using the
command: AT+WOPN=4,<PlmnOns>.
The priority order is:
1 E-ONS First entry if on Home PLMN or matching entry if existing in OPL/PNN SIM files.
2 CPHS If on Home PLMN, use SIM file CPHS ONS (0x6F14) for Long Name if present and SIM
file CPHS SONS (0x6F18) for Short Name if present; if not present, reuse SIM file
3 SPN If on Home PLMN, use SIM file SPN (0x6F46) if present.
4 NITZ If there is a matching entry in the list of names received so far, use it. Note that in
France, for example, all the operators use the NITZ message for the Date and Time
feature, but not for PLMN names, so the list is always empty. In France, the NITZ
message is sent on a GPRS attachment.
FLASH If there is a matching entry in the flash PLMN list (created by +WOLM), use it.
5 ROM PLMN names in the ROM defined according to MoU SE.13 and NAPRD Operator
Names documents.
Note: Once a long name is found following this priority order, it is given as a response to the
AT command.