Chapter 10 – Supplementary Services Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 85
Description: This refers to the Advice of Charge supplementary service (GSM 02.24 and GSM 02.86), which enables
the subscriber to obtain information on call cost. With <mode>=0, the command returns the current call
meter value (CCM) from the modem (ME).
If AOC is supported, the command can also enable unsolicited event reporting on CCM information.
The unsolicited result code +CCCM: <ccm> is sent when the CCM value changes. Deactivation of
unsolicited event reporting is performed with the same command.
If AOC is supported, the Read command indicates whether unsolicited reporting is activated or not.
Values: <mode>
0 Query CCM value
1 Deactivate the unsolicited reporting of CCM value
2 Activate the unsolicited reporting of CCM value
String type; three bytes of the current call meter value in hexadecimal format (e.g., “00001E”
corresponds to the decimal value 30); value is in home units and bytes are coded in a similar way
as the ACMmax value in SIM
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CAOC= <mode>
Command Possible responses
Note: Query CCM value +CAOC: “000A08”
Note: Display Current Call Meter value (CCM=2568)
Note: Deactivate unsolicited report of CCM value OK
Note: CCM report deactivated
Note: Activate unsolicited report of CCM value OK
Note: CCM report activated
Note: Request mode +CAOC:<mode>
Note: Display unsolicited report mode (1 or 2)
Note: Request supported modes +CAOC: (0-2)
Note: 0,1,2 modes supported
Description: This command resets the Advice of Charge for accumulated call meter value in SIM file EFACM. The
ACM contains the total number of home units for both the current and preceding calls. SIM PIN2 is
required to reset the value. If setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned.
The Read command returns the current value of the ACM.
The ACM value (entered or displayed) is in hexadecimal format with 6 digits.
Values: <pin2 passwd> string type
<acm value> string type coded as <ccm> under +CAOC
Syntax: Command Syntax: AT+CACM=<pin2 passwd>
Possible Response: +CACM: <acm value>
Command Possible responses
Note: Request ACM value +CACM: “000400”
Note: Display ACM value (ACM=1024)
AT+CACM= 1234
Note: Request ACM reset, real PIN2 is “1234” OK
Note: ACM value is reset
AT+CACM= 0000
Note: Request ACM reset with wrong PIN2 value +CME ERROR: 16
Note: Incorrect password
Note: Request ACM value +CACM: “000000”
Note: Display ACM value (ACM = 0)