Chapter 11 – Data Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 92
Chapter 11 – Data Commands

Using AT Commands During a Data Connection

To use AT Commands during a data connection (such as while the product is in online mode), it is necessary either to
switch to offline mode, or to use the +WMUX command to enable Commands / Data multiplexing.

Switch from Online to Offline Mode

To switch from online mode to offline mode, the “+++” sequence must be sent. Following this, the product gets back
to offline mode with an “OK” response, and an AT command can be sent.
Note: The “+++” sequence only works with the +ICF command using the following settings:
8 data bits, with no parity
7 data bits, with even parity

Switch from Offline to Online Mode

See the ATO command description.