Chapter 9 – Short Messages Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 70
Send Message +CMGS
Description: The <address> field is the address of the terminal to which the message is sent. To send the message,
simply type, <ctrl-Z> character (ASCII 26). The text can contain all existing characters except <ctrl-Z>
and <ESC> (ASCII 27).
This command can be aborted using the <ESC> character when entering text. In PDU mode, only
hexadecimal characters are used (‘0’…’9’,’A’…’F’).
Values: See the Parameters Definition list at the beginning this chapter.
Syntax: Command syntax in text mode:
AT+CMGS= <da> [ ,<toda> ] <CR>
Text is entered: <ctrl-Z / ESC >
Command syntax in PDU mode:
AT+CMGS= <length> <CR>
PDU is entered: <ctrl-Z / ESC >
Command Syntax: AT+CMGS
Command Possible responses
Please call me soon, Fred. <ctrl-Z>
Note: Send a message in text mode
+CMGS: <mr>
Note: Successful transmission
Note: Send a message in PDU mode (1/3)
Note: Enter message in PDU mode (2/3)
Note: End the message (3/3)
+CMGS: <mr>
Note: Successful transmission
The message reference <mr> is returned to the application and allocated by the product. This number
begins with 0, is incremented by one for each outgoing message (successes and failures), and is cyclic
on one byte (0 follows 255).
Note: This number is not a storage number. Outgoing messages are not stored.