MultiModemDID User Guide | Index |
remote configuration | 41 |
escape character | 36, 42 |
escape sequence | 31 |
remote node operation 12 |
Removing a modem from Win- dows 8
Repeat command 14
required equipment | 6 |
resetting the modem | 17, 18 |
Result Code Format command 17
Result Code Options command 17
Result Code Selection command 17
result codes 13, 21, 39– 56, 44
Result Codes Enable/Disable command 16
Return Online to Data Mode
command | 16 |
| |||
rings, setting number of | 36 | ||||
ROM checksum | 15 |
| |||
S |
| |||||
reading | 16 |
| ||
S0 | 36 |
| |
S1 | 36 |
| |
S2 | 36 |
| |
S3 | 36 |
| |
S4 | 36 |
| |
S5 | 36 |
| |
S6 | 36 |
| |
S7 | 36 |
| |
S8 | 36 |
| |
S9 | 36 |
| |
S10 |
| 36 |
S11 |
| 36 |
S18 |
| 36 |
S28 |
| 36 |
S30 |
| 36 |
S35 |
| 36 |
S36 |
| 37 |
S37 |
| 37 |
S38 |
| 37 |
S42 |
| 38 |
S48 |
| 38 |
S89 |
| 38 |
S108 | 38 |
| ||
setting | 16 |
| ||
Safety |
| 6 |
Safety Warning Telecom | 6 |
Select Maximum MNP Block Size command 19
Select V.44 Data Compression command 23
serial port 23
Serial Port Baud Rate command 23
Set Register Value command
16 |
Setup Password | 41 |
| ||
setup password | 41 |
| ||
solving problems | 43 |
| ||
Speaker Mode command | 16 | ||||
specifications, technical | 49 | ||||
speed |
maximum | 37 |
| |
serial port | 23 |
| |
speed conversion (data buffer) | |||||
18 |
standby mode delay time | 38 | ||||
Start Protocol *DS | 32 |
| ||
Store Current Configuration |
| ||||
command | 19 |
| ||
Store Dialing Command | 19 | ||||
synchronous buffered mode | 25 | ||||
T |
technical specifications | 49 |
| |||
telephone line |
| 44 |
terminal mode |
| 43 |
| |
testing the modem | 8, 19, 44 | ||||
Tone Dialing command | 17 |
| |||
tones, dialing | 36 |
| |
Transmit Break command | 20 | ||||
troubleshooting | 43 |
| ||
Troubleshooting DID 46 |
Uninstalling a modem from Windows 8
upstream mode 28
V.22 mode 14 |
V.22bis Guard Tone Control |
| |
command 18 |
V.25 data calling tone | 21, 36 | |
V.34 modulation, enabling | 36 | |
V.42 error correction | 21 |
V.42bis data compression | 22 | |
V.44 data compression 24 |
V.44 Data Compression com-
mand | 24 |
V.44 Data Compression Report- | |
ing command 24 | |
V.54 tests | 19 |
V.92 mode | 11, 26, 28, 29, 30 |
V.92 Modem Hook Flash com- | |
mand | 28 |
video 25 |
View Numbers in Blacklist command 22
Wait for Digit
wait time for dial tone 36 warranty 47
Windows 2000, uninstalling a modem 9
Windows 95, uninstalling a modem 8
Windows 98, uninstalling a modem 8
XON/XOFF Pacing Control
command 18
command 21