Preparing a Fire Escape Plan
Even with the most advanced fire alarm system, adequate protection requires an escape plan.
To prepare your plan, draw floor plans of your building. (Space is provided on the next page). Show two exits - a front or back door and a window from each room. (Make sure the window works. You may need a special
Family Rehearsal.
Rehearse each of the following activities: 1. Everyone in his room with the doors
2.One person sounds the alarm.
3.Each person tests his door.
4.Pretend the door is hot and use the alternate escape exit.
5.Everyone meets outdoors at the assigned spot.
Important! - Read Carefully
Discuss these escape procedures with all those who use the building:
1.In a residence, sleep with the bedroom door closed. A closed door will hold back deadly smoke while you escape.
2.When the fire alarm signals, escape quickly. Do not stop to pack.
3.Test the door. If it is hot, use your alternate route through the window. If the door is cool, brace your shoulder against it and open it cautiously. Be ready to slam the door if smoke or heat rushes in. Crawl through smoke, holding your breath. Close the doors again on leaving to help prevent the fire from spreading.
4.Go to your specific outdoor meeting place so you can see that everyone is safe.
5.Assign someone to make sure nobody returns to the burning building.
6.Call the Fire Department from a neighbor's telephone.
Would You Like More Safety Information?
For more information on home fire detection, burn safety, and home fire safety, write to the National Fire Protection Association, Public Affairs Dept. 05A, Batterymarch Plaza, Quincy, MA 02269.