Page 38 | | WI1501A 9/06 |
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CP-01 Quick Reference Chart--SIA False Alarm Reduction | |
Feature Description | Programming Address |
| Location |
CP-01 FEATURES are enabled with one global selection in the panel. | Enabled in EZ Programming |
| |
Exit Delay. Minimum allowed programmable Exit Delay time is 45 seconds. Default is 60 seconds. If an attempt is made to | 0000 (Pre-existing) |
change the Exit Delay time to less than 45 seconds the time will be entered as 60 seconds. The maximum programmable time | | |
is 255 seconds. The panel uses the existing programmable by zone feature "Entry/ Exit 1" to comply with CP-01. At least one | | |
Entry/Exit zone must be programmed for each area. The factory program enables Zone 1 as Entry/Exit and the option to pro- | | |
gram any zone as Entry/Exit is given in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. The existing programmable Entry and Exit | | |
delay times are also used. The factory program sets the Exit Time Delay as 60 seconds and Entry Time Delay as 30 seconds. | | |
These same times are entered when "Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. | | |
When "Enable CP-01 Limits" (Address 2053, Bit 3) is enabled, the panel will sound an audible egress sequence when it is | 2053, Bit 3 (see Note 1) |
armed Away (with interior zones not bypassed). The keypad mini-sounder will beep once every second during the beginning | (2053 | · · · 4 · · · ·)* |
exit delay and beep rapidly the last 10 seconds of exit delay to indicate exit urgency. If the panel is armed Stay (with interior | | |
zones bypassed) the keypad mini-sounder is silent and the exit time is double the programmed time. If "Enable CP-01 Lim- | | |
its" (Address 2053, Bit 3) is NOT enabled, the panel will NOT sound an audible egress sequence. Note: This feature affects | | |
the operation of "Zone ANDing" as follows: If "Enable CP-01 Limits" is enabled, any Zone in a Group will only activate an alarm | | |
and send a report ONCE. After the Zone has reported, it will remain in the Group and may still initiate the Zone ANDing se- | | |
quence. | | |
Exit Time Restart. This option allows for the following scenario before the end of the Exit Time: a violation of an entry/exit | 2053, Bit 0 (see Note 1) |
zone, a restore, and a second violation of an entry/exit zone restarts the Exit Time. The panel does not allow the Exit Time to | (2053 | 1 · · · · · · ·)* |
be restarted more than once. The default setting for this option is enabled. Restart is event logged. | | |
| |
Sound Alarm On Exit Error. An Exit Error sequence is initiated if an entry/exit zone is violated at the expiration of the Exit | 2053, Bit 1 (see Note 1) |
Time. "Exit Error" Central Station Reporting Code is located at address 0706. | (2053 | · 2 · · · · · ·)* |
| | |
Unvacated Premises. Convert from Away to Stay based on no egress through exit door …default is enabled. (F-64 panel-- | | 1424, Bit 0 |
This feature is Automatic Interior Bypass/ Easy Exit). | (1424 | 1 · · · · · · ·)* |
The panel uses the existing programmable feature "Auto Interior Bypass/Easy Exit". This feature must be enabled in CP-01 | | |
installations. This feature is enabled in the factory program and it is also enabled when "Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in | | |
the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. | | |
Report Digital Dialer Exit Error/Recent Closing. A Recent Closing transmission is sent if an alarm occurs within two (2) min- | 2053, Bit 2 (see Note 4) |
utes after the expiration of the Exit Time. If the user number is available, it is included in the Recent Closing transmission. | (2053 | · · 3 · · · · ·)* |
"Recent Close" Central Station Reporting Code is located at address 0349. Note: Address 2053, bit 1 must also be set to en- | | |
able this feature. | | |
Entry Delay. Entry Delay time is 30 second minimum, default is 30 seconds. If an attempt is made to change the Entry Delay | 0001, 0002 |
time to less than 30 seconds the time will be entered as 30 seconds. The maximum programmable time is 255 seconds. The | (Pre-existing feature) |
panel uses the existing programmable by zone feature "Entry/ Exit 1" to comply with CP-01. At least one Entry/Exit zone must | | |
be programmed for each area. The factory program enables Zone 1 as Entry/Exit and the option to program any zone as En- | | |
try/Exit is given in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. The existing programmable Entry and Exit delay times are also | | |
used. The factory program sets the Exit Time Delay as 60 seconds and Entry Time Delay as 30 seconds. These same times | | |
are entered when "Enable CP-01 Features" is selected in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. | | |
Progress Annunciation. Entry urgency annunciation must be different than the alarm mini-sounder. Requires Keypad | Feature in EZ Programming |
Sounder on Alarm on all non-fire zones. Locations 0941, 1005, 1069, 1133, 1197, 1261, 1325 and 1389. | | |
Disarm. The panel will silence the keypad entry delay tones and alarm annunciation on the first press of a keypad | New Panel Operation |
digit for 2.5 seconds. | | |
| |
Select Alarm Output for Keyfob Chirp. Normally the chirp on a keyfob arm/disarm is transmitted to the PGM output. | 1423, Bit 7 (see Note 3) |
Selecting "CHIRP BURG BELL OUTPUT" causes the "Bell" to chirp instead of the PGM on remote Arming. | (1423 | · · · · · · ·8 )* |
The panel uses the existing programmable feature "Chirp Output on Keyfob Arm/Disarm " (Address 1422, bit 6). This fea- | | |
ture must be programmed in a CP-01 installation if a GEM-KEYF is used in the system. The feature is selected in the factory | | |
program and is enabled if "Enable CP-01--Enabled" is selected in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode. | | |
Enable CP-01 Limits. When address 2053 bit 3 is enabled, three time limits are enabled as per the SIA CP-01 standards: (1) | 2053, Bit 3 (see Note 1) |
If the Exit Delay time is programmed for less than 45 seconds, the enabled Exit Delay time will be set to 60 seconds; (2) If the | (2053 | · · · 4 · · · ·)* |
Entry Delay time is programmed for less than 30 seconds, the enabled Entry Delay time will be set to 30 seconds; and (3) If an | | |
attempt is made to change the Abort Delay to less than 15 seconds or more than 45 seconds the time will be entered | | |
as 30 seconds. (4) Enables Exit Delay sounder. (5) Doubles Exit Delay time when arming Stay due to Silent Exit. | | |
Abort Window Disarm. The panel will silence the keypad entry delay tones and alarm annunciation on the first press of a | New Panel/Keypad Feature |
keypad digit for 2.5 seconds. | | |
Abort Annunciation after Disarming. Default is enabled. If the panel is disarmed during Abort Delay, the keypad will enunci- | New Panel/Keypad Feature |
ate abort. "Alarm Cancelled" is displayed on keypad LCD for the Gemini "K Series" keypad. | | |
Report Cancel Window. When the system is in alarm and the user disarms in an attempt to Cancel within a minimum of 5 | Address 2055 |
minutes after abort timeout, a Cancel Report will be sent. If Cancel Report is enabled by entering a cancel time (and Abort De- | | |
lay by zone) Cancel will enunciate on the keypad if the system is disarmed during the Cancel Window. The existing program- | | |
mable option Report Cancel Window must be programmed for at least 5 minutes in a CP-01 installation. When "Enable CP-01" | | |
Features is selected in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode, this time is set to 7 minutes. | | |
Duress Feature. The existing programmable option "Enable Global Ambush" must not be enabled in CP-01 installations. It | Pre-existing feature |
is not enabled in the factory program and is not enabled when Enable CP-01 Feature is selected in the Easy Menu Driven | | |
Program Mode. | | |
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