About This Manual
© National Instruments Corporation xv NI-Motion User Manual
NI Developer Zone (NIDZ)—Visit the NI Developer Zone, at
ni.com/zone, for example programs, tutorials, technical
presentations, the Instrument Driver Network, ameasurement
glossary, an online magazine, a product advisor, and a community area
where you can share ideas, questions, and source code with motion
developers around the world.
Motion Hardware Advisor—Visit the National Instruments Motion
Hardware Advisor at ni.com/devzone/advisors/motion/ to
select motors and stages appropriate to the motion control application.
In addition to the NI Developer Zone, you can find NI-Motion C/C++
and Visual Basic programming examples in the NI-Motion\
FlexMotion\Examples folder where you installed NI-Motion. The
default directory is Program Files\NationalInstruments\
You can find LabVIEW example programs under examples\Motion
in the directory where you installed LabVIEW. Youcan find
LabWindows/CVI examples under samples\Motion inthe directory
where you installed LabWindows/CVI.
You can find the NI-Motion C/C++ and LabVIEW example code
referenced in this manual in the NI-Motion\Documentation\
Examples\NI-Motion User Manual folder where you installed