Chapter 12 Synchronization
NI-Motion User Manual 12-2
Table12-1 shows the availability of breakpoint modes on each NI motion
Note If you are using a data or image acquisition device with your motion control system,
be aware that the NI SoftMotion Controller does not support the RTSI bus.
Note Breakpoints are not supported on the NI SoftMotion Controller.
Note When you are using the NI SoftMotion Controller with an Ormec device, you can
use two high speed captures per axis.
Absolute Breakpoints
Absolute position breakpoints allow you to trigger external activities as
the motors reach specified positions. For example, if you need to use an
image acquisition device to capture an image from a certain position while
the device under test is in continuous motion, the motion controller must be
able to trigger the image acquisition device as it reaches those positions.
The current position is continuously compared against the specified
breakpoint position by the encoder circuitry to produce a latency of less
than 100 ns.
After a breakpoint triggers, you must re-enable it for the breakpoint to work
again. In certain cases, such as buffered and periodic breakpoints, the
motion controller automatically re-enables the breakpoints.
The implementation for absolute breakpoints is divided into the buffered
breakpoint and single position breakpoint methods.
Table 12-1. Breakpoint Modes on NI Motion Controllers
Breakpoint Mode NI 7350
NI7 340, NI 7330, and
NI 7390
Absolute*Y Y
Relative*Y Y
Periodic Y N
Modulus N Y
Buffered Y N
* Available in buffered and single operation for NI 7350 and in single operation only for
all other controllers