© National Instruments Corporation I-3 NI-Motion User Manual
direct set, A-2
documentation, xiv
conventions used in manual, xiii
NI resources, D-1
related documentation, xiv
drivers (NI resources), D-1
dual loop feedback, 3-7
algorithm, 3-8
electrical cycle, counts per, A-2
electronic camming, 10-1
electronic gearing. See gearing
pulses using RTSI, 12-39
event polling, 4-14
examples, xiv
default installation directory, xv
examples (NI resources), D-1
dual loop, 3-7
algorithm, 3-8
velocity, 3-9
algorithm, 3-10
velocity amplifiers, 3-10
find home, 8-1
find index, 8-1
find reference, 8-1
forward limit, 8-1
frequency, commutation, A-2
Ga, 3-7
gear ratio, 10-1
gearing, 10-1
algorithm, 10-2
C/C++ code, 10-5, 10-19
LabVIEW code, 10-5, 10-19
graphing data, 4-14
Hall effect sensors, A-1
troubleshooting, A-3
functional architecture of NI motion
controllers, 1-4
interaction with NI-Motion driver
software, 1-2
helical arc move, 6-13
algorithm, 6-14
C/C++ code, 6-15
LabVIEW code, 6-15
application notes, xiv
Motion Hardware Advisor, xv
NI Developer Zone, xv
technical support, D-1
high-speed capture input using RTSI, 12-40
high-speed capture. See synchronization
home, 8-1
index, 8-1
indirect variables, onboard programs, 14-24
initialization, programmatic, B-1
input and output with data acquisition, 2-3
input and output with image acquisition, 2-3
input/output. See synchronization
inputs, 2-3
instrument drivers (NI resources), D-1
integral gain, 3-4
introduction, I-1
configuring the system
real-time, C-1
tuning the motors, 3-1