NI-Motion User Manual I-6
onboard programs, 14-2
algorithm, 14-4
automatically starting, 14-42
algorithm, 14-20
C/C++ code, 14-22
LabVIEW code, 14-21
algorithm, 14-26
data flow, 14-25
changing a time slice, 14-42
conditional execution, 14-9
algorithm, 14-11
C/C++ code, 14-12
LabVIEW code, 14-12
description, 14-2
indirect variables, 14-24
algorithm, 14-20
C/C++ code, 14-22
LabVIEW code, 14-21
math operations, 14-24
pausing, 14-8
automatic, 14-9
single-stepping, 14-9
priority, 14-3
resuming, 14-8
running, 14-8
simple C/C++ code, 14-6
simple LabVIEW code, 14-5
stopping, 14-8
algorithm, 14-34
C/C++ code, 14-38
LabVIEW code, 14-35
synchronizing host applications
with,1 4-26
algorithm, 14-27
C/C++ code, 14-30
data flow, 14-27
LabVIEW code, 14-28
using onboard memory and data, 14-14
algorithm, 14-15
C/C++ code, 14-17
LabVIEW code, 14-16
writing, 14-3
output. See synchronization
outputs, 2-3
pausing onboard programs, 14-8
automatic, 14-9
single-stepping, 14-9
phase initialization
direct set, A-2
Hall effect sensors, A-1
shake and wake, A-1
position breakpoints using RTSI, 12-39
programmatic initialization, B-1
programming examples (NI resources), D-1
programs, onboard. See onboard programs
proportional gain, 3-4
radius, 6-2
ratio, gear, 10-1
real-time, using NI motion controllers
with,C -1
reference move
algorithm, 8-2
C/C++ code, 8-3
LabVIEW code, 8-3
reference moves, 8-1
related documentation, xiv
relative contouring, 7-4
resuming onboard programs, 14-8
reverse limit, 8-1
rotating knife application, 16-1
algorithm, 16-3
C/C++ code, 16-5