© National Instruments Corporation I-1 NI-Motion User Manual
absolute contouring, 7-4
acceleration feedforward, 3-6
acceleration in counts/s2, 4-8
acceleration in RPS/s, 4-9
acquiring data
algorithm, 11-2
C/C++ code, 11-4
data path, 11-1
LabVIEW code, 11-4
adding, measurements to an NI-Motion
application, 2-2
position-based straight-line move, 5-2
velocity-based straight-line move, 5-11
Amplifier Gain, 3-7
analog feedback
algorithm, 13-3
C/C++ code, 13-5
flowchart, 13-1
LabVIEW code, 13-4
application notes, xiv
adding measurements, 2-2
creating NI-Motion applications, 2-1, 2-2
rotating knife, 16-1
algorithm, 16-3
C/C++ code, 16-5
LabVIEW code, 16-4
solution, 16-1
scanning, 15-1
blending move segments, 15-7
algorithm, 15-8
C/C++ code, 15-10
LabVIEW code, 15-9
connecting move segments, 15-1
algorithm, 15-2
C/C++ code, 15-4
LabVIEW code, 15-3
user-defined scan path, 15-13
algorithm, 15-15
C/C++ code, 15-17
LabVIEW code, 15-16
arc angles in degrees, 4-12
arc move
circular, 6-1
algorithm, 6-3
C/C++ code, 6-4
LabVIEW code, 6-4
helical, 6-13
algorithm, 6-14
C/C++ code, 6-15
LabVIEW code, 6-15
spherical, 6-7
algorithm, 6-9
C/C++ code, 6-10
LabVIEW code, 6-10
arc moves, 6-1
functional architecture of NI motion
controllers, 1-4
NI SoftMotion Controller, 1-7
NI-Motion, 1-1, 1-7
automatically starting onboard programs, 14-42
blending, 9-1
after delay, 9-4
after first move, 9-3
algorithm, 9-5
C/C++ code, 9-7
LabVIEW code, 9-6
superimposing, 9-2