NI-Motion User Manual G-4
home switch (input) Physical position determined by the mechanical system or designer as the
reference location for system initialization. Frequently, the home position is
also regarded as the zero position in an absolute position frame of reference.
host computer Computer in which the motion controller is installed, or that is controlling
the remote system in which the motion controller is installed.
II/O input/output—The transfer of data to and from a computer system
involving communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or
motion control interfaces.
ID identification
index Marker between consecutive encoder revolutions.
inverting Polarity of a limit switch, home switch, and so on in active state. If these
switches are active low, they have inverting polarity.
IRQ interrupt request
Kk kilo—The standard metric prefix for 1,000, or 103, used with units of
measure such as volts, hertz, and meters.
K kilo—The prefix for 1,024, or 210, used with B in quantifying data or
computer memory.
LLIFO last-in, first-out
limit switch/
end-of-travel position
Sensors that alert the control electronics that the physical end of travel is
near and that the motion must stop.