Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement Studio
© National Instruments Corporation 1-5 Measurement Studio User Manual
To install support for NI-DAQmx:
1. In the NI Measurement Studio 8.5 installer, enable the VS2008 Driver
Support».NET Framework 3.5 Languages Support for
NI-DAQmx feature.
2. In the NI Device Drivers installer, enable the Data Acquisition»
NI-DAQmx feature.
To install support for NI-VISA:
1. In the NI Measurement Studio 8.5 installer, enable the VS2008 Driver
Support».NET Framework 3.5 Languages Support for NI-VISA
feature. If you want to use the Instrument I/O Assistant inside Visual
Studio 2008, enable the VS2008 Driver Support»VS2008 DotNET
IIOAssistant Support feature.
2. In the NI Device Drivers installer, enable the Instrument Control»
NI-VISA feature.
To install support for NI-488.2:
1. In the NI Measurement Studio 8.5 installer, enable the VS2008 Driver
Support».NET Framework 3.5 Languages Support for NI-488.2
2. In the NI Device Drivers installer, enable the Instrument Control»
NI-488.2 feature.
To install support for MAX:
1. In the NI Measurement Studio 8.5 installer, enable the VS2008 Driver
Support».NET Framework 3.5 Languages Support for NI MAX
2. In the NI Device Drivers installer, enable the NIMeasurement and
Automation Explorer feature.
Installing Hardware Drivers for Visual Studio 2005 SupportThe .NET and C++ class libraries for Visual Studio 2005 support for
National Instruments hardware drivers are included in the Driver CD