© National Instruments Corporation ix Measurement Studio User Manual
About This ManualThe Measurement Studio User Manual introduces the concepts associated
with the Measurement Studio class libraries and development tools. This
manual assumes that you have a general working knowledge of Microsoft
Visual Studio and the .NET Framework for .NET application development
or MFC for unmanaged C++ application development.
How To Use This Manual
Measurement Studio 8.5 includes two Visual Studio support CDs—one
with support for Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005, and Visual
Studio 2008 and one with support for Visual Studio 6.0. This manual
documents Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2005/2008. The
Measurement Studio support for Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual
Studio 2005, and Visual Studio 2008 CD includes separate, parallel sets
ofcl ass libraries, integration features, and support documentation for
developing with Visual Studio .NET 2003, Visual Studio 2005, and Visual
Studio 2008. For help with Visual Studio 6.0, refer to the Measurement
Studio Support for Visual Studio 6.0 Readme located on the Measurement
Studio for Visual Studio6.0 CD.
The Measurement Studio User Manual is organized into five chapters.
Chapter1, Int roduction to Measurement Studio, is an overview of
Measurement Studio. This chapter includes installation and deployment
requirements, installation instructions, and a list of Measurement Studio
resources. Chapter2, Measurement St udio .NET Class Libraries, and
Chapter3, Measurement Studio Visual C++ Class Libraries, include
information about the .NET class libraries and the Visual C++ class
libraries, respectively. Chapter4, Measurement Studio Integrated Tools
and Features, includes information on using the Measurement Studio tools
and features integrated into the Visual Studio environment. Chapter5,
Getting Started with Measurement Studio, includes walkthroughs that
guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to develop with
Measurement Studio features.
Note Refer to the Measurement Studio Release Notes for updates or changes to the
Measurement Studio User Manual.