Chapter 5 Getting Started with Measurement Studio
© National Instruments Corporation 5-57 Measurement Studio User Manual
10. Click the Show All Files icon and expand the VisaTask.mxb node.
11. Double-click the VisaNSTask1 file to view the code that the
Instrument I/O Assistant generated for you.
Displaying Instrument I/O Assistant data on your user interface
1. Double-click the Form1 file in the Solution Explorer to open your
main application form.
2. Select View»Toolbox to display the Toolbox.
3. Expand the All Windows Forms group on the Toolbox.
4. Select the Button control and drag and drop it onto the form.
5. Select the TextBox control and drag and drop it onto the form. Repeat
this step to add a second text box to the form. The following screenshot
shows the controls on the form:
6. Double-click the Button control to display the Form1 code, with the
cursor inside the click event handler of the button control.