Chapter 5 Getting Started with Measurement Studio
Measurement Studio User Manual 5-54
3. In the Project Types pane, select Measurement Studio under Visual
C# or Visual Basic, depending on which language you want to create
the project in. This walkthrough refers to Visual C#, but you can follow
the same process if you use Visual Basic .NET.
4. In the Templates pane, select NI VISA Windows Application.
Specify MyIIOAProject for Name and select a Location of your
5. Click OK. Your project opens in Visual Studio with a VisaTask.mxb
file and references to NationalInstruments.VisaNS,
NationalInstruments.UI.WindowsForms, and
NationalInstruments created for you.
6. Select View»Solution Explorer to display the Solution Explorer.
Double-click VisaTask.m xb in the Solution Explorer to launch the
Instrument I/O Assistant.