© National Instruments Corporation G-7 Measurement Studio User Manual
LLabVIEW Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. Graphical
development environment used for developing test and measurement
LabWindows/CVI ANSI C development environment for building test and measurement
LED Light-Emitting Diode. An indicator that emits a light when current passes
through it. For example, an LED shows if your computer or printer is turned
legend A control that displays symbols and descriptions for a specific set of
elements of another object, such as the plots or cursors of a graph.
Mmatrix A rectangular array of numbers or mathematical elements that represent the
coefficients in a system of linear equations.
MB Megabytes of memory.
Measurement &
Automation Explorer
National Instruments tool for configuring your National Instruments
hardware and driver software; executing system diagnostics; adding new
devices, interfaces, and virtual channels; and viewing devices and
instruments connected to your system.
measurement device DAQ devices such as the E Series multifunction I/O (MIO) devices, SCXI
signal conditioning modules, and switch modules.
Measurement Studio National Instruments software that includes tools to build measurement
applications in Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#, and Visual C++.
meter A control used to input or display numerical data.
method Function that performs a specific action on or with an object. The operation
of the method often depends on the values of the object properties.
MFC Microsoft Foundation Class. A framework for programming in Microsoft
Windows, MFC provides code for managing windows, menus, and dialog
boxes; performing basic input/output; storing collections of data objects;
and more.