Chapter 3
© National Instruments Corporation 3-19 Measurement Studio User Manual
User Interface
Use the Measurement Studio User Interface Visual C++ class library to add
user interface controls to your application. You can configure the user
interface controls programmatically or through the property pages in the
Visual C++ resource editor. Measurement Studio includes the following
Visual C++ user interface controls:
• Button
• Knob
Numeric edit
The following sections describe each of the Measurement Studio Visual
C++ user interface controls.

Button Control

Use the Measurement Studio ActiveX button control, as shown in
Figure 3-2, for different Boolean displays, such as on or off or true or false.
Typically, you use buttons to input or display Boolean information or
initiate an action in a program. The CNiButton class provides the Visual
C++ interface to the ActiveX button control.
Figure 3-2. ActiveX Button Control
With the button control and the classes that interface with the control, you
can perform the following operations:
Configure how the control behaves when you click it with the mouse
or press the spacebar when the control has focus.
Configure how the button control appears using button styles. You can
configure the button control to appear as a push button, LED, or
Bind properties to a DataSocket source or target. You use binding to
read property values from a source and write property values to a