Chapter 3
Measurement Studio User Manual 3-16
transfer protocol servers (ftp:), file systems (file:), and OLE for
Process Control (opc:) servers.
Specify data sources and targets using a URL, the same way you access
Web pages in a Web browser.
Use DataSocket Transfer Protocol (DSTP) to exchange different types
of data.
Interactively browse to quickly locate and select data items on other
computers and servers.
Tip For more information about using DataSocket, refer to the DataSocket Visual C++
Class Library Overview topic in the NIMeasurement Studio Help.
Microsoft Excel Interface
Use the Measurement Studio Excel Visual C++ class library to
automatically create Excel spreadsheets and charts from within
measurement and automation applications. Use the Microsoft Excel
Interface class library to perform offline processing of the measurement
and automation data you acquire and analyze using other Measurement
Studio Visual C++ classes. This class library is included only in the
Measurement Studio Enterprise package.
Tip For more information about using the Measurement Studio Excel Visual C++
classl ibrary to create applications that present data in Microsoft Excel format, refer to
the Microsoft Excel Interface Visual C++ Class Library Overview topic in the
NIMeasurement Studio Help.
Microsoft Word Interface
Use the Measurement Studio Microsoft Word Interface Visual C++ class
library to automatically create Word documents from within measurement
and automation applications. Use the Microsoft Word Interface class
library to perform offline processing of the measurement and automation
data you acquire and analyze using other Measurement Studio Visual C++
classes. This class library is included only in the Measurement Studio
Enterprise package.
Tip For more information about using the Measurement Studio Word Visual C++ class
library to create applications that present data in Microsoft Word, refer to the Microsoft
Word Interface Visual C++ Class Library Overview topic in the NI Measurement Studio