Chapter 4 Measurement Studio Integrated Tools and Features
© National Instruments Corporation 4-5 Measurement Studio User Manual
Figure 4-1. New Project Dialog Box in Visual Studio 2005
Tip For more information about using project templates to create a new Measurement
Studio project, refer to the Creating a New Measurement Studio Project section in the
NIMeasurement Studio Help.
Note For information about converting Measurement Studio projects, refer to the
Converting Measurement Studio Projects section in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
Adding or Removing Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries
To add or remove Measurement Studio .NET class libraries from a project,
use the Measurement Studio Add/Remove .NET Class Libraries wizard on
the Measurement Studio menu. This wizard provides an interface, as shown
in Figure 4-2, that you can use to select the Measurement Studio .NET class
libraries you want to add to or remove from a project.