Chapter 3
© National Instruments Corporation 3-15 Measurement Studio User Manual
CommonThe Measurement Studio Common Visual C++ class library provides data
types and classes that other Measurement Studio Visual C++ class libraries
use. The classes that are implemented natively in Visual C++ include the
CNiVector and CNiMatrix classes.
The Common class library includes the following data types:
•CNiScalarVector—Implements a vector object that contains scalar
•CNiScalarMatrix—Implements a matrix object that contains scalar
•CNiString—Extends the MFC CString class with streaming
operators for a variety of data types and with various other string
manipulation functions.
•CNiScalarVector—Implements a vector object that contains scalar
•CNiVariant—Extends the MFC COleVariant class with additional
constructors and assignment operators for CNiComplex-, CNiVector-,
and CNiMatrix-derived objects and with cast operators to convert
CNiVariant objects to a variety of other object types.
•CNiException—Extends the MFC CException class and serves as
the base class for many Measurement Studio exceptions.
•CNiRegKey—Encapsulates the interface to the Windows registry. Use
this class and related classes to open and create keys, get keys, and get
values associated with those keys.
Tip For more detailed information about the Common class library, refer to the Common
Visual C++ Class Library Overview topic in the NI Measurement Studio Help.
DataSocketUse the Measurement Studio DataSocket Visual C++ class library to
transfer live measurement data over the Internet or an intranet, between
applications on the same computer, and to and from files. Use the classes
in the DataSocket Visual C++ class library to perform the following
• Read and write data between different data sources and targets.
• Use a single, simple API to communicate with several types of servers,
including DataSocket Servers (dstp:), Web servers (http:), file