Chapter 5 Getting Started with Measurement Studio
Measurement Studio User Manual 5-56
5. If there are more than two tokens in the token list, remove them for this
example. To remove a token, right-click on it in the response window
and select Remove. The response window displays data in binary
form, ASCII form, or binary form and ASCII form together. If there is
only one token in the token list, split the token into two tokens for this
example. Refer to Parsing an Instrument Response in the Instrument
I/O Assistant Help for more information about how to manually parse
the data into two tokens.
6. In the Toke n na me text box, enter Vendor to rename the first token.
You use this name to reference the token in your application. Ensure
that the data type of the token is String. You specify the data type of
the token using the Type drop-down list on the Data Type tab.
7. Select Toke n2, rename it to Device, and ensure that the data type for
Token2 is String. To select Token2, left click on it within the Query
and Parse step in the Step Sequence window on the left side of the
Instrument I/O Assistant. Follow the instructions from step 6 to change
the token name and to set the token data type.
8. Select File»Save to save your task.
9. Select View»Solution Explorer to display the Solution Explorer.