Chapter 5 Normal Operation
(2) Partition List
Lists information about the partitions of the specified RANK.
Start Address(h): Start address of the LD or free area
End Address(h): End address of the LD or free area
Capacity: LD capacity in units of MBs
LDN(h): The logical disk number is displayed in format of LD No.
“free” is displayed if the LD has not been bound.
* Partition List is displayed only for other than the disk arrays with pool.
* If a specified RANK does not exist, the error message as shown below is displayed.
iSM11172:RANK doesn’t exist.

(9) List of pool information

If the -pl option is specified, the system lists information about the pools of a specified disk array.
#iSMview –pl Storage001
--- Pool Information ---
Pool No.(h) Pool Name Pool Type Pool State
0000 Pool01 basic ready
0001 Pool02 dynamic attn.(preventive copy)
The display items are as follows:
(1) Pool Information
Lists the information of all pools bound in the specified disk array.
Pool No.(h): Pool number
Pool Name: Pool name
Pool Type: Pool type
basic: Basic pool
dynamic: Dynamic pool
Pool State: Pool state
ready: The pool is in normal state.
attn.(reduce): The failing PD has been disconnected (reduced).
attn.(rebuilding): The rebuilding of data is in progress.
attn.(copy back): A spare copy is being copied in redundant state.
attn.(preventive copy): Preventive exchange assignment processing is in progress.
fault: A functional error has occurred.
* Pool State is displayed only for the disk arrays with pool.
* If no pools exist, the error message as shown below is displayed.
iSM11182:Pool doesn’t exist.