Chapter 5 Normal Operation

(26) Display of information about cache partitioning of a disk array

If the -cp option is specified, the system displays information about cache partitioning of a specified disk array.
#iSMview -cp Storage002
--- Cache Partitioning Detail Information ---
Cache Partitioning Mode :on
Allocatable Cache Capacity :2.00GB
Total Allocated Capacity :2.00GB
Total Unallocated Capacity :0.00GB
Total Minimum Capacity :2.00GB
Current Segment Count :2
Allocatable Segment Count :0
--- Cache Segment List ---
Number(h) Segment Name Max. Capacity Min. Capacity Allocated Capacity
00 DefaultSegment 1.00GB(50%) 1.00GB(50%) 1.00GB(50%)
01 Segment1 1.00GB(50%) 1.00GB(50%) 1.00GB(50%)
The display items are as follows.
(1) Cache Partitioning Detail Information
Displays detailed information on cache.
Cache Partitioning Mode: Indicates the status (on/off) of cache partitioning mode.
Allocatable Cache Capacity: Capacity of cache to be allocated
Total Allocated Capacity: Total capacity of cache to be allocated
Total Unallocated Capacity: Capacity of unallocated cache
Total Minimum Capacity: Total minimum capacity
Current Segment Count: Current number of cache segments
Allocatable Segment Count: Number of allocatable cache segments
(2) Cache Segment List
Lists cache segments.
Number(h): Cache segment number
Segment Name: Cache segment name
Max. Capacity: Maximum capacity of allocated cache
Min. Capacity: Minimum capacity of allocated cache
Allocated Capacity: Capacity of currently allocated cache