Chapter 3 Basic Functions

(2) Output image to operation log

(Log File)
Thu May 15 17:30:29 2000 0000003258 Info iSMlogd iSM00000: This is example msg
Thu May 15 17:30:29 2000 0000016305 Info iSMlogd iSM04030 : Last message repeated 2 times
When the same message is continuously outputted for 3 times or more, a summarized record that shows the first
message and number of times the message is outputted. When the same message is continuously outputted over
the fixed time range (for 2 minutes and 30 seconds), a message outputted within the fixed time range and a
message after the fixed time range are treated as different messages.
For the event link function, only the original message is sent as is not being processed by this procedure.
Example: When the same message is received every 15 seconds for 3 minutes 15 seconds (14 times in total).
Thu May 15 17:00:00 ……This is example msg. Thu May 15 17:00:00 …… This is example msg. ·····*
Thu May 15 17:00:15 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:00:30…… This is example msg. Thu May 15 17:00:40 …… Last msg repeated 2 times
Thu May 15 17:00:45 ……This is example msg. Thu May 15 17:00:45 …… This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:01:00 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:01:15 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:01:30 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:01:45 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:02:00 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:02:15 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:02:30 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:02:45 ……This is example msg.
Thu May 15 17:03:00 ……This is example msg. Thu May 15 17:03:10 …… Last msg repeated 9 times.
Thu May 15 17:03:15 ……This is example msg. Thu May 15 17:03:15 …… This is example msg
* Received messages may be outputted repeatedly for 2 minutes and 30 seconds for the first time since the
timer is not based on the receiving time of the message.
2 ‘ 30” interval
[Received Message] [Operation Log]