Chapter 1 Server Installation
The file transfer function of iSM is operated with FTP. An FTP command of Windows is used on the iSM client
side and an FTP server of each OS is used on the iSM server. In this case, only active mode (PORT mode) is used
as FTP data transfer function. Therefore, if there is a firewall or NAT in the network between the iSM client and
the iSM server, the file transfer function may not be available.
Before attempting to operate iSM, be sure to connect the FTP (and perform get and put processing) through the
command prompt on the computer on which the iSM client operates, and confirm that the items in [File Transfer
Information] are set correctly.
In [Replication Information], specify information regarding the replication function.
(xvii) Monitor of State Changes
Determine whether to monitor the transition of the replication states.
Monitor: The replication state transition is monitored.
Don’t Monitor: The replication state transition is not monitored.
(xviii) Port Number
Specify the number of the port to be used when the ReplicationControl command is issued via iSM. A value
from 1 to 65535 can be specified. The default value is 8030.
In [Snapshot Information], specify information regarding the snapshot function.
(xix) Port Number
Specify the port number to be used when the SnapControl command is issued via iSM. A value from 1 to
65535 can be specified. The default value is 8040.