Email Alarm - Options
The E-mail alarm feature enables you to receive the gateway access log through emails regularly. Click the checkbox, if you want to receive these e-mails from the gateway.
Mail Server. This is the e-mail server address on your network or on the Internet. The mail server specified should relay your mails without user name and password login, otherwise the mail cannot be sent. The standard SMTP port for sending e-mails is 110. Change it if you have special settings, otherwise leave it as the default.
Subject. The subject you enter will appear as the subject of the e-mails that the gateway will send to you. This allows the user to identify by subject which mail is from the gateway.
Send mail to. Please enter your e-mail address or the e-mail address you want the gateway send to.
Return address. If your gateway cannot send to the recipient successfully and is bounced back, or users want to be able to reply to the message through e-mail, then this address will be where the mail is sent to.
E-mail log. You can specify the behavior of the gateway when sending e-mail logs. By clicking the radio button "Log Full", the e-mails will be sent only when the log stored in the gateway is full. The other option "Everyday", will have the gateway send e-mails on a daily basis, whether there are messages or not.
Time. Please specify the time you would like the gateway to send these e-mails everyday.
NB620W Super-G Wireless Broadband Gateway User Guide | YML725 Rev1 |
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